Duncan, the mobs' new syndicate boss, is the exact opposite of Slaughter.
I studied the histories of a lot of our syndicate bosses and corporation presidents.
Look, every corporation president, every syndicate boss, got where he was by doing the insane and crooked thing at just the right time.
"He's the gangster who killed the syndicate boss," Sheik said.
Now he confers with his attorney, hand to car, like some syndicate boss in a senate hearing.
He was strictly a background tech; until, of course, the day in 2535 when his syndicate boss got greedy, and sloppy with it.
"To get to my position, you have to think of all the angles," the syndicate boss told him.
"No, I don't think so," the syndicate boss replied acidly.
The collector was a front for a big syndicate boss we'd hit a year or so earlier, and the whole thing was a set-up.
"Because I can pilot a spaceship," the former syndicate boss replied easily.