As a development executive for CBS's syndication arm from 1996 to 1998, not a single thing he dreamed up was turned into a real television show.
At this moment, as Friedman is searching for three anchors, the company's newly created syndication arm is out looking for buyers.
All of its programming was distributed by Spelling's syndication arm, Worldvision Enterprises.
The new format will be programmed by Astral Media's syndication arm.
Existing syndication arms of the networks were forced to be spun off as new companies independent of network management.
(The studio is mainly the syndication arm for the Fox Broadcasting Company.)
It will be produced by CBS's syndication arm, Eyemark, and offered to other stations around the country.
It has also become a significant moneymaker for Disney's syndication arm.
Turner Program Services was the former syndication arm of Turner Broadcasting.
In 1991 she moved to Twentieth Century Fox, heading the company's network production and syndication arm.