Clear Channel operates the country's largest syndication service, Premiere Networks.
Visitors can subscribe to the syndication service - called a feed - and receive an update every time the administrator updates the Web page.
"I remember going to dinner with her when she was 4," said Jay Kennedy, editor in chief of King Features, the syndication service.
He also spent time working for The Observer in London, being responsible for the newspaper's foreign syndication service.
But in his role as editorial director, Mr. Wallis discovered that some of the best work he was offered for the syndication service had never been published.
This marked the beginning of the beautiful-music syndication service known as KalaMusic.
Wikinvest also provides a syndication service for financial bloggers, the Wikinvest Wire.
CUP began as a syndication services that facilitated transnational story-sharing.
Everything that The Examiner's audience reads will come either from syndication services or from the notebooks and computers of 23 to 25 reporters.
The league also signed a television deal with Fanz TV, a syndication service.