Even the fastest-growing cells from Werner's syndrome patients grow old well before those taken from other donors.
All Morton can offer the pretzel syndrome patients at the moment is information.
Information and education for Sjogren's syndrome patients, families, health professionals and the public.
Nephrotic syndrome patients are sometimes given albumin to replace the lost albumin.
Among myelodysplastic syndrome patients, survival can range from months to many years, depending on the form of the disease.
As previously mentioned, Balint's syndrome patients have provided support for the feature integration theory.
They had skin lesions like those of Reiter's syndrome patients and developed others signs of the arthritis as well, including joint problems.
There is a slight male predilection, although this is not seen in syndrome associated patients.
The theory was bolstered by the fact that Down's syndrome patients who live to adulthood often have excessive deposits of the protein in their brains.
The majority of locked-in syndrome patients do not regain motor control, but devices are available to help patients communicate.