The Medieval logicians give elaborate sets of syntactical rules for determining when a term supposits discretely, determinately, confusedly, or confusedly and distributively.
After a Cantonese speaker decides to code-mix a foreign word in a Cantonese sentence, syntactical rules of Cantonese will be followed.
When Metamath unifies with it has to check that the syntactical rules are respected.
This ability not only demonstrates the bottlenose dolphin's grasp of basic grammar, but also implies the dolphins' own language must include some such syntactical rules.
The systematic combination of these elements, according to syntactical rules, would generate "an infinity of different words."
Its syntactical rules can be spelled out in the kind of algebraic shorthand that computers understand.
The syntactical rules of a language determine why a sentence in English such as "I love you" is meaningful, but "*love you I" is not.
Nor do they benefit from syntactical rules, which permit the flexible construction of complex yet unambiguous utterances, complete with subordinate clauses and other structural subtleties.
The structure of the Perl programming language encompasses both the syntactical rules of the language and the general ways in which programs are organized.
Some of their manipulations are based on the meanings of the terms involved, and not on clearly presented syntactical rules of manipulation.