However, it does not mark a return to a "synth" sound for the band.
A selection of the original lyrics were used with an electronic synth sound as a backing track.
Born Evgeny Smirnov in 1987, the Ukranian musician grew up with the electronic synth sounds of the 90s and started trying it out for himself by generally playing about with producing programs.
Lyrically, the album is darker and more poetic than previous material, with the inclusion of a hidden track containing a spoken word poem accompanied by piano keys and distorted synth sounds.
The album is notable for its usage of space-like synth sounds and occasional use of computer-altered vocals.
Inspired by a wide range of influences, they create upbeat indie pop songs, with a grounding in futuristic-sounding New Wave-style synth sounds.
From the fourth, Emilio began writing songs, though not as inspired, and begin to include synth sounds, so their presence in all the clubs, billiards and bumper cars is already assured.
The using remains uncredited, as the melody itself was slightly rearranged, with few notes being dropped from the original, and instead of the original piano and synth sounds, horns are used.
Sounds could now have three components: A lifelike attack, a body made from a subtractive synth sound (saw or pulse wave through a filter) and an 'embellishment' of one of many looped samples.
The overall mood overall melancholic, but Broken By Whispers saw the band experimenting with more bass and synth sounds.