Many considered Zawinul as the "best" synthesizer player "in jazz", frequently employing several keyboards with live settings of his bands.
Gil Goldstein (born 1950) is American jazz pianist and synthesizer player who started on the accordion.
The most common solution used has been to place one or more synthesizer players in the orchestra, each covering multiple parts.
It had the then highly-unusual line-up of two synthesizer players, two percussionists and a bass player.
Because its attraction to some synthesizer players at the event, the project was started with 5 beta-test units to test the software and hardware.
Jim Alcivar is an American keyboard and synthesizer player and sound engineer.
By the time Jae was in high school, he was already a skillful bass guitar and synthesizer player.
On most songs the three synthesizer players contributed simple melodic patterns; it wasn't unusual to see one of them tap a single chord for minutes.
During the seventies he developed an interest in electronic instruments; he was one of the early synthesizer players.
He is an accomplished pianist and synthesizer player.