They are based on opposing views of how the perceptual system computes size and distance.
To determine intensity, the visual system computes how many photoreceptors are responding.
To get a view of the object a viewpoint and direction must be stated, and the system then computes the required 2D projection.
You see, our system electronically computes the dates and times when the alarm is turned on, as well as any violations while it's activated.
The second stage solves the system of linear equations to compute the discrete logs of the factor base.
Once the system computes the direction of the sound source, it sends a signal to two vibrators attached at each side of the eyeglass frame.
The system computes through the application of state transitions that change the state of the system.
If the system computes that the runway is too short when wet, an amber message appears in the primary flight display.
With the parity option, the system will compute additional information and store this within the pool.
On the other hand, explicit proofs that certain systems compute this or that function are also admissible.