While they waited, the English built a system of ditches, pits and caltrops, to hurt and bring down the enemy cavalry.
There was a system of ditches running along the fence.
The system of ditches do not form a complete circle so the mill can only operate with southerly to westerly winds.
This system of larger banks and ditches appears to have formed a long enclosure with two squarer enclosures on each side.
The Roman fort itself covers about 4 acres; outside it is a system of concentric defensive ditches.
The importance of this wet grassland habitat, with its associated system of ditches, is considerable for Sussex birds.
Also, a system of ditches parallel the roads and drain into the canal, giving each landowner who pays for a share access to irrigation water.
The imperial troops spent several days constructing an elaborate system of ditches, walls and obstacles to prevent another breakout.
Where water was too abundant and flooding occurred, they drained the excess away though systems of ditches.
The system of ditches which provided water from the river was rebuilt.