The three values of load average refer to the past one, five, and fifteen minutes of system operation.
Services and applications should always be available, whether it is during abnormal system operation, scheduled maintenance, or software upgrade, for example.
In this sense 'shallow' means that the physical principles underlying system operation are not attempted.
Statistical sampling would only be needed for monitoring the system operations through periodic testing.
It is critical to system operation; therefore, terminating this process will result in system failure.
Implementation details are provided, indicating the system operation and communication with the other recognition modules.
In this way, failure of one module will not impact system operation.
However, they can be designed to tolerate/ignore the disturbances so that the overall system operation is not affected.
It is therefore important to support this position, which will reinforce the excellent work also done on investment, system access and system operation.
The system operation is monitored from a central control room.