"Everything I do seems to make the system oscillate."
The system oscillates between warm (El Niño) to neutral (or cold) conditions with a natural periodicity of roughly 3-4 years.
The system oscillates about the equilibrium position under the influence of loads.
A lower damping ratio implies a lower decay rate, and so very underdamped systems oscillate for long times.
The natural frequency is the number of times the system oscillates between a fixed time interval in an undamped system.
Gain margin indicates absolute stability and the degree to which the system will oscillate, without limit, given any disturbance.
Audio feedback is typically unwanted noise that occurs when an audio system oscillates.
Pull the mass in order to stretch the spring parallel to itself and let go, so that the system oscillates.
Between these two reactions the system oscillates causing a concentration jump of the iodide and the oxygen production.
Equivalently, it compares the frequency at which a system oscillates to the rate at which it dissipates its energy.