The system, finally overloaded beyond its ability to cope, coughed up an error message and seized.
With his own systems then overloading, he flew high into the atmosphere, away from where he could cause harm, and detonated.
While the system overloads on Sunday and yesterday indicated that the new flat rate of $19.95 a month was popular, it was not popular with everyone.
A series of concussive blasts echoed all around B'Elanna as several critical systems overloaded simultaneously.
But when I found her, her system was overloading.
Delegates were already using cellular phones at the 1992 convention, but the system quickly overloaded and callers were plagued by busy signals.
While your system overloaded, your heart would give out; you wouldn't even know you're dead.
Sparks erupted from various points around the bridge as the ship's systems overloaded.
The machine starts and fills the capsule with strange energy, and the Doctor quickly steps in when he believes that the system is overloading.
The thermostatic system will be overloaded too, but not overwhelmed if we're quick.