This aborts the system shutdown so the user may continue what he or she was doing.
This has a drawback that if the process crashes and fails to clean up shared memory it will stay until system shutdown.
He decided to give it one more go, and prepared himself for inevitable system shutdown if he was wrong.
Statistically, this capital improvement has resulted in significantly fewer delays, although dramatic system shutdowns have still occurred.
Station screens and main screen remained on, showing the progress of system shutdowns.
Any global that is SET will retain its value across system shutdowns.
It resulted in an incorrect subroutine call that initiated system shutdown.
"Now displaying most recent log record before system shutdown," said the female voice of the computer.
On July 6, 1988, the day of the elections, a system shutdown that the government was using to count the votes occurred, presumably by accident.
The only other option is a system shutdown, and that's almost guaranteed to polarize those circuits.