From south to north, the system can transmit only 3,675 MW of power.
The system transmits a black and white image to the computer screen of another user.
The system does not provide full-motion video, but instead transmits 8 to 15 frames a second.
These systems transmit live signals to television monitors at police stations.
The system transmitted continuously, 24 hours a day, sending an "idle" message when it was not being used.
The local systems would then transmit the shows to their customers over standard cable lines.
The system then transmits information and the video directly to law enforcement headquarters.
The systems can also transmit over cable or satellite.
The new system could transmit vast amounts of digital information nationally to computer users at low cost, the companies say.
An even bigger drawback is that the system can't transmit live programs, which rules out offering news or sport events.