Not a single mass grave has been located, like those that proved the systematic brutality of military regimes in Chile, Guatemala and Argentina.
Someone had with systematic brutality broken the sturdy legs of the table.
Other testimony from the period accuses Columbus of systematic brutality against the natives and engineering a program of forced labor that reduced their population from millions to thousands in little over a decade.
A replica of Guantánamo Bay, Camp Greyhound was known for its systematic brutality and against prisoners.
People, that is, who although they were scandalised by the outrageous behaviour of the garotters and roughs, lived nevertheless in an untidy moral proximity with systematic brutality, degradation and mass violence.
It considered the treatment of the complainants to have been comparable to a breach of the Geneva Convention rather than the systematic brutality of a 'normal' concentration camp.
It was clear that he had come to regard Fitz not only as his personal resurrector, but also as his spiritual conscience, a bizarre concept for a man once known for his systematic brutality.
The Panorama programme Undercover Care: The Abuse Exposed showed people being subjected to a regime of systematic brutality and torture by the people supposed to be caring for them.
To speak of justice in that country is to speak the language of torture and of systematic brutality.
Mr. Thornburgh had just announced his office was investigating possible systematic brutality in the Los Angeles Police Department.