Systematic Inquiry: evaluators conduct systematic, data-based inquiries about whatever is being evaluated.
In the 19th century, spiritism resurrected "belief in ghosts" as the object of systematic inquiry, and popular opinion in Western culture remains divided.
Critique, a systematic inquiry into the conditions and consequences of a concept or set of concepts, and an attempt to understand its limitations.
Be committed to systematic inquiry as a first step in solving substantive problems.
This is a list of important landmarks in the history of systematic philosophical inquiry and scientific analysis of phenomena.
Uses systematic inquiry to improve student and institutional performance.
Applied research is a form of systematic inquiry involving the practical application of science.
He had his full share of the passion for systematic and well-founded scientific inquiry that was widespread in the Geneva of his day.
At the station he made systematic inquiries, with equally satisfactory results.
The board had neither the time nor the resources to make a systematic inquiry into this area.