But behavioral economists often concentrate on cases where people's actions depart from the systematic, rational strategies Professor Nash and his counterparts envisioned.
We need look only as far as the tens of thousands of women raped in Bosnia to understand how rape is used as a systematic military strategy.
Bar-Yam studies the unified properties of complex systems as a systematic strategy for answering basic questions about the world.
They will have to demonstrate that they have a systematic strategy that withstands comparison to the one Mr. Bush presented.
"There is a systematic strategy to finish off the countryside," said Aldo González, an advocate on farm issues from the town of Guelatao.
Before the advent of Wilhelm Steinitz, there was no systematic formulated strategy of the game.
"There seems to be a systematic strategy of coddling and cover-up when it comes to the Saudis."
A systematic strategy for lifting disadvantaged students' achievement must have three parts.
What he proposes is "entrepreneurial government," which he defines as a systematic strategy to imaginatively improve efficiency and effectiveness.
In that way we would have to adopt a more systematic and far more integrated strategy than now, one that is comprehensive and all-embracing.