"We still have a system that is impervious to reform and change on a systemic level," Mr. Giuliani said.
The accident was the result of a fatal combination of many contributory factors, both at the individual and systemic levels.
The systemic level of analysis explains outcomes from a system wide level that includes all states.
The position of states constitutes the systemic structural level of analysis.
This reduced anxiety and stress-induced corticosterone secretion at a systemic level.
The study did not show measurable systemic levels or hematopoietic side effects, suggesting potential for use in humans.
Similarly, the principal systemic levels of interest differ between the disciplines.
The court mandated that the Legislature was to enact broad and sweeping reforms at a systemic level, statewide.
Inflammation also induces high systemic levels of acute-phase proteins.
In contrast, the real or potential costs of DLD exist largely at the systemic level and over the long term.