The ESPA Certified-EST program certifies entry-level electronic systems technicians after they master a set curriculum.
Military: environmental systems technician, enlisted.
"I'm a systems technician, grade one."
James Meng, 36, a systems technician at AT&T in San Diego, has played pairs volleyball every Sunday for six years.
Economists also worry about people like Charles Scheffold, a 48-year-old electrical systems technician in Brooklyn who puts most of his savings into tax-deferred annuities.
Smaller organizations may only require a single permanent or contracting webmaster, or secondary assignment to related job positions such as a graphic designer and/or information systems technician.
Owen Burke as Desmond "Dez" Elden, a member of Doug's team and a systems technician at a cable company called Vericom.
"Despite the fact that he was a trained systems technician, the entire locial control detected his entry and isolated him in one structure before he could accomplish more than minor damage."
Jack MacCarthy, a systems technician for Chase Manhattan, is one of those homebodies.
"I didn't like either of them until Gore chose Lieberman," said Carmen Hatcher, a systems technician.