At last they reached a private room where a long, low table made of transparent crystal gleamed like a sheet of ice.
I passed through a tiled room where six stainless-steel tables and a wall of white refrigerators gleamed.
The table gleamed with china and crystal glasses.
The table was enormous and gleamed redly in the candlelight.
A suavely polished table gleamed beneath the non-glaring, soothing light.
A long wooden table gleamed beneath a glass candelabra.
The stainless-steel table gleamed in the darkness, and with its stirrups, it appeared more like a medieval torture device than a piece of medical equipment.
From the telephone table gleamed a great green stone, like a huge, unblinking eye.
The pine tables and floors gleam in the morning sun.
Now bare, the tables gleam brilliantly beneath spotlights high overhead.