The rest if the crowd seems pleased to see her but when she sits and the table offers a toast to her, Paul remains silent.
In addition to the rotating bar, an adjoining room includes booths and tables with live entertainment offered nightly.
These tables offer values that may be used in the preliminary screening of sediment or other media for toxic hazards.
Now, well-spaced tables offer stunning views from windows all along one side of the dining room.
'Well, Admiral, perhaps the political minds at the table can offer something that may have escaped you?'
Stand-and-eat tables offer free filter water if you dare to use the shared metal cup.
The following tables offer estimates of oxygen cycle reservoir capacities and fluxes.
The dressing table in the adjoining bedroom offered a dozen different perfumes.
The antique white tables in the 20-seat patio offer a romantic escape from the city.
Mysteriously, the Asian table never offered any food at any time during my many visits to the store.