Heinrich Jdger felt like a table-tennis ball.
Not what he felt about "being buggered about from Dimension to Dimension like a bloody table-tennis ball"-he'd let them know his feelings on that at great length.
But what is the world coming to, ethicists respond, if all forms of life are treated the same as table-tennis balls or other manufactured items?
It was a little bit smaller than a table-tennis ball.
Visitors can plop a table-tennis ball into the artificial brook and watch it meander down a series of terraces.
Luka, an ethnic Serb, associates the word "ideals" with the brand name for Czech table-tennis balls and a popular floor polish.
The force of the impact was no greater than a well-aimed table-tennis ball, but he recoiled in alarm.
The golden poori, the size of a table-tennis ball, is crisp and flaky.
The dome-light covers first resembled table-tennis balls, before items having the appearance of plastic egg cup inserts were substituted.
The tape reveals a photo-realistically rendered schoolroom where an invisible hand is poised to drop a table-tennis ball with an X on it.