Cut the 2 tablespoons butter into small pieces and set aside.
Remove from the heat and whisk in 4 tablespoons butter.
In a large pan over high heat, combine 2 tablespoons butter with 1 cup water.
Add 1/2 tablespoon butter and 4 or 5 apple slices.
Melt 1 tablespoon butter with the oil in a large pan.
Add 1 tablespoon butter, and blend quickly to a fine texture.
Place 1 tablespoon butter or oil in a large, deep skillet over medium heat.
Melt 3 tablespoons butter in large skillet over high heat.
In a small saucepan, melt 1 tablespoon butter over low heat.
Melt 8 tablespoons butter in a heavy saucepan over low heat.