The net result of the blending of politics and show biz, the professor says, is that "politicians are treated like tabloid celebrities and top celebrities are treated like politicians."
Shoshanna, who became a tabloid celebrity in her own right by dating Seinfeld while she was still in high school, has recently launched her own line of lingerie.
A tabloid celebrity before tabloid culture truly existed, Tallulah became famous-or rather infamous-in the twenties and thirties not only for her talent but also for her outspoken nature, her partying ways, and her many sexual affairs.
Soon he's a tabloid celebrity; The New York Post anoints him "the city's most controversial criminal since Bernhard Goetz."
In 2004, Aitolehti became a household name and a tabloid celebrity because of her alleged secret affair with the famed Finnish soccer player Alexei Eremenko, who was in a relationship with another woman at the time.
He has collected a jackpot of publicity, the coin of politicians as well as tabloid celebrities and demagogues.
The party was billed as a celebration of Mr. Buttafuoco's re-entry into the world and the start of his new life as a tabloid celebrity.
With the aid of Nesbitt, Captain Moonlite began a career as a public speaker on prison reform trading on his tabloid celebrity.
Her lack of tabloid celebrity, along with her astonishing talent and range, has allowed her to consistently invent characters that defy easy categorization.