Stories of artists being pressured to participate in one awards show over the other have been fodder for tabloid gossip and controversy.
The couple's on-again, off-again engagement had been fodder for ravenous tabloid gossip for months as Mr. Ross's divorce from his first wife dragged on.
Because of Mr. Clinton's behavior in the White House, tabloid gossip sticks to him like iron filings to a magnet.
In public Wayne appears frequently in the company of fashionable women to encourage tabloid gossip.
This is as close as we get to tabloid gossip, the G word.
The Website over the last year has shifted it focus to also include tabloid gossip alongside its traditional music news.
He'd have to contend with Mr. Bloomberg's millions, the tabloid gossips, prying eyes.
The photographs set off a wave of social criticism as well as tabloid gossip.
At that time, their involvement made him a regular subject of tabloid gossip, a role to which he was accustomed following his previous relationship.
If tabloid gossip - like rumor in the financial markets - triggers genuine action by serious players, I think readers of serious newspapers may deserve to know about it.