Even after the devastating tabloid scandal, Ivy still wanted to be a part of Sam's life.
In the 1920s, Gish's association with Duell was something of a tabloid scandal because he had sued her and made the details of their relationship public.
After allegations that Jackson had molested young boys at his Neverland ranch became a tabloid scandal, the project was abandoned.
He married an international heiress who had no idea of his true identity-until she divorced him in a tabloid scandal.
The Astor diary was a tabloid scandal for weeks, and Kaufman was mortified.
At its best, "Out" has the force of a juicy tabloid scandal: we witness the insidious merging of desperation and violence.
Pickford's relationships were cause for tabloid scandal.
B6 Two other tabloid scandals share the day in court.
The lawsuits and tabloid scandals that followed cost her not only her position in society but - not unexpectedly - her friendship with Henry James.
He rejected criticism that James Murdoch had acted too slowly in dealing with the tabloid scandal.