"Once More, with Feeling" propelled the story arc for season six by allowing characters to confess previously taboo issues to themselves and each other.
In a society that is full of two-edged dos and don'ts, Klam made this taboo issue a little more approachable.
I pray that our nation will dig deep as a community, confront taboo issues and try to prevent future tragedies.
There, they could fully consider sensitive taboo issues and investigate the means of successfully transferring these thoughts onto celluloid.
The film dealt with the taboo issue of pre-marital pregnancy and the views of society.
The series explores different complex sexual and taboo issues.
Lasance and the serial's writing team worked hard to raise awareness of the "taboo issue".
His work challenged the accepted role of women in society and explored taboo issues of homoeroticism and class.
I think that, above all, we should at this moment commend one particular feature of the document, which is the fact that it raises taboo issues.
He is often in his work self sarcasting, other times observing, demonstrating and challenging taboo issues.