Fatah publicly disassociated itself from the group, but it is widely believed that it enjoyed Arafat's direct or tacit backing.
Senator Rick Santorum, a Pennsylvania Republican, is sponsoring legislation favoring "regime change," with what some say is the tacit backing of administration conservatives.
The Israeli offensive in the West Bank, which has the tacit backing of the Bush administration, has succeeded so far in stopping suicide attacks in Israel.
They see Croatia becoming an almost ethnically pure state with tacit American backing and Serbs outside Serbia being hounded or bombarded.
The I.R.A. statement gave this outlook tacit backing, counseling followers to be "guided by their political leaders."
Various media outlets reported that Oaten had the tacit backing of Charles Kennedy, although this was denied by Kennedy's office.
Despite their differences, he gained the tacit backing of the Democratic Unionist Party, who had won only 9.8% of the vote in 1992 and chose not to stand their own candidate.
On 17 August 1945, with tacit Japanese backing, Soekarno proclaimed the independence of the Republic of Indonesia, from his Jakarta home.
Despite such a laudable move, pro-Indonesian militia launched a bloody campaign of intimidation, with the tacit backing of the army.
Since 1945, left-wing nationalists have consistently been persecuted -sometimes imprisoned, sometimes even killed - in South Korea, usually with the tacit backing of the United States.