First Interstate will also place $2.8 billion in loans into a special "tactical assets" unit that will sell those holdings over time, the company said.
So much for the obsolescence of territory and borders as strategic and tactical assets of defense.
I realize what a tactical asset he is for the Navy, and I'd hate the thought of simply throwing that away when we need it so badly.
The vehicles have proved to be extremely useful and have been praised as a great tactical asset by German troops.
Worf was a key tactical asset for you.
All of it served to tie up high-end tactical assets in those boroughs and potentially draw more away from Manhattan.
But she was also a tactical asset.
He said the searchers were utilizing "every asset we have, from national assets to tactical assets."
Logistically, its chief advantage was that all essential tactical assets were already deployed.
I won't give away our most precious tactical asset to strangers.