In fierce fighting the attack on Medjez was defeated by 78th Division but further south some tactical gains were made before the advance was halted.
Yet, with the Americans unprepared to accept further casualties for limited tactical gain, they evacuated Porkchop Hill on 11 July.
Strategies of this nature have been in active development and use since Lyndon Johnson, where priority is given to short-term tactical gain over long-term vision.
These were not temporary tactical gains, but long-term reconquests.
The Israelis had lost 80 dead and 120 wounded, with an unknown number of Egyptian casualties, for no tactical gain (see Battle of Suez).
Today's tactical gains in Iraq-while a necessary pre-condition for political reconciliation-will crumble without a deliberate and comprehensive strategy".
Not only had there been no strategic or tactical gain to compensate for such losses, now the Allies had a salient leading nowhere that had to be defended.
The first major battle, at Mechanicsville, was poorly coordinated by Lee and his subordinates and caused heavy casualties for little tactical gain.
Mr. Khatami's aides argue that the conservatives may be achieving small tactical gains, but the strategic victory is theirs if they just wait the conservatives out.
I agree with you on that point, and for that reason I aver that I have made a tactical gain.