The primary tactical objective of the attack was the destruction of the Amman viaduct.
The agents now in Soviet hands will have had the list of 'tactical objectives' with which we provided them last month.
There are terrorists who will blow up innocent people in order to achieve tactical objectives.
Their professional lives were couched in terms such as 'limited response', 'tactical objective' and 'rapid deployment'.
As the pankration competitions were held outside and in the afternoon, appropriately positioning one's face vis-a-vis the low sun was a major tactical objective.
For firefighters tactical objectives have historically focused on life-safety as the priority in the plan when attending structure fires.
The tactical objective of a Presidential primary effort is, quite simply, surviving.
The play offers both tactical and strategic objectives.
Pakistan has created and nurtured terrorist groups as policy for achieving tactical objectives against its neighbours, especially India.
We are here to accomplish a specific tactical objective, not perpetrate mindless slaughter.