Gameplay has a new feature dubbed "Off the ball", which allows the control of two players at the same time for greater tactical play.
He likes to make use of his talent for sharp, tactical play in new situations that are not heavily governed by theory.
Steve Davis has commented that he is not the most naturally gifted player, but makes up for this with strong tactical play.
Here are two games illustrating the wild tactical play that often develops in the 3...d5 4.
And his fine tactical play reminds us of Frank Marshall.
He is well known for his speed, tactical play and ability to break tackles.
Many consider the game's tactical play to be virtually flawless.
Whatever he had hoped to get just was not there against Timman's precise tactical play.
One of the most important skills required for strong tactical play is the ability to read ahead.
But her strength lies in sharp, tactical play, and he did not survive.