He quickly understood the tactical significance of the small hill, and the need for the 20th Maine to hold the Union left at all costs.
But for Mrs. Clinton, the announcement had a special tactical significance.
The special defensive needs and tactical significance of each League World were discussed in detail.
In 1914 "uhlan" had become simply a historic distinction in the Russian cavalry, without tactical significance.
Their alliance was based on tactical and political significance.
Thirunavaya was a place of tactical and religious significance from the early middle ages.
"Not unless it has tactical significance," Uncle Enzo says briskly.
It was therefore of great tactical significance to both sides who "fought with great gallantry".
By the 1880s the title was honorific and, while implying 'specialist' or 'elite', did not have any tactical significance.
Sarasti was always enamored of data, especially when it had tactical significance.