Bit 48 was the read-only bit, thus odd tags indicated control words that could not be written by a user-level program.
These three tags would indicate that the camera is pointed heading 225 (south west), has a 45 tilt and is 560 metres from the subject.
The servicer places a tag on the extinguisher to indicate the type of service performed (annual inspection, recharge, new fire extinguisher) and when.
The tags on each box indicated that they had been harvested just two or three days before.
The tags on her clothes never indicate size or provenance.
Each item in the queue has a tag indicating its preferred / kin processor.
The calf's ear carried a tag numbered 269, this tag indicated that the calf was destined for slaughter.
The tags just indicate the children's ages, the decimals denoting months.
In XML, the tags do not indicate how a document should be formatted, but instead provide semantic context to the content of the document.
The waitress, whose name tag indicated she was Toni, placed Cliff's order in front of him.