The cow's tail slapped him hard across the face, damp and reeking.
His tail wagged free of the cover and slapped excitedly against the cardboard.
His tail slapped the ground hard enough to add cracks to the ledge and loosen a few rocks somewhere below.
Her tail slapped, sent up a fountain, exploding and drenching me.
As she did, a tail shot down from above and slapped across her mouth- Brightspot's tail!
Then she splashed down, fairly cleanly; her tail slapped the surface.
The tail slapped the water, the whale sounded, turning for another pass.
And then the fin swung away, a great tail slapped the water twice, as if in farewell.
A tail slapped against her flank, making her feel strangely light and free.
A broad rounded tail slapped the surface so hard, it sounded like a rifle.