Students are encouraged to tailor the program to their own interests and academic goals.
The advertisements - which last from 2 to 10 seconds - will be tailored to users' interests.
This academic program gives international lawyers the freedom to design a course of study tailored to their specific interests and aspirations.
The center offers private classes taught by computer education teachers that are tailored to a child's interests and abilities, determined in a free first session.
Founded in 1934, the school aims at working professionals who seek additional training tailored to their interests.
Each phone company provides subscribers with a menu of services tailored to their interests.
Some 66% do not want marketers to tailor advertisements to their interests.
They may be used to deliver ads tailored to your interests.
"The dialogue is more intimate and most importantly, the wines can be tailored to my interests at that time."
The services will also deliver election results and analysis tailored to the user's interests.