Luckily, "Running on Empty" has a lot more momentum than its title suggests, enough energy to take an unusual and intriguing premise and see it through.
Let's take a premise now.
You take an absurd premise - "Be Black, Baby" - and totally involve them and really frighten them at the same time.
"We take a very strong premise that it is going to get worse in all these markets," he said.
Peter Lefcourt has taken a promising premise and scored with it.
Keeping this in mind, she took a premise in 1968 at 43, Ripon Street, Kolkata.
It takes a simple premise and turns in a good number of strong comedic bits.
"Peter Lefcourt has taken a promising premise and scored with it," Hilma Wolitzer said here last year.
Ubisoft Reflections has taken a hare-brained premise and ran with it.
Cline "takes a far-out premise and engages the reader instantly" with a "deeply felt narrative makes it almost impossible to stop turning the pages".