Students wear a special T-shirt and take part competitive and cultural activities.
The performers, who received little or no pay for their work, supplemented their income by waiting on tables, taking tickets and other essential activities.
Serena soon enters the village, and takes in the sight of the market activities and children playing.
She said the vehicle was part of her effort to take her office's crime-fighting message and activities to the communities.
A sizeable "people's science" movement has taken root in the state, and such activities as writers' cooperatives are becoming increasingly common.
Active & Energetic during her education, she took part extra curricular activities as well.
But Guardian doesn't just want to take everyday activities and harden them against attacks.
Babies also can engage in turn taking activities.
It takes language experiences and verbal activities, along with phonics, to get children ready to read.
His sons took archery, horsemanship, and other outdoor activities.