Taking agents into court would shatter the necessary intimacy between the President and his guardians, service officials contend.
The patient had not taken antiviral agents and reported no illness among close contacts.
He is perhaps best known for programs that took agents off the streets and assigned them to work on community programs to reduce drug use.
Do you really believe Bonds would knowingly jeopardize his health by taking steroidal agents for the sole purpose of fame and notoriety?
Patients should be advised against taking sympathomimetic agents, including: stimulants and diet pills, while undergoing hypothyroid treatment.
Zinc and copper nutriture of women taking oral contraceptive agents.
It had taken agents of The Shadow to track the crook who had gone straight.
The note deals with the special factors to be taken into account in the annual audit of syndicates, managing agents and Lloyd's brokers.
But it was unclear why it has taken agents more than two months to begin digging.
A5 Operation Condor takes Latin American agents under its wing.