Mr. Yanagimachi's screenplay takes as its inspiration the bare bones of a true story reported in the newspapers in 1980.
The Futurists took speed, technology and modernity as their inspiration, depicting the dynamic character of early 20th century life.
In fact, it was the Champion which Churchill specifically took as his inspiration for the Lark.
Those opposing religion often took Darwin as their inspiration and expected his support for their cause, a role he firmly refused.
They also offered the following information about Hester Pookes Tradescant, whom they took as their inspiration.
The band's influences are varied but they share a deep respect for the tradition and take as their inspiration some of the most influential bands from the 1960s/1970s revival.
The campaign, which includes a 60-second cinema advert, takes as its inspiration the legends and folklore which surround the wolf.
The poet may have taken Book of Job, chapters 29 and 30, as its inspiration.
More recently the cycle of works Four Anglesey Beaches (1999-2003) takes as its inspiration the seascapes and coastal locations of the area.
A variety of low-growing plants formed the outline of these elaborate geometric shapes, which took as their inspiration the interweavings of embroidery.