People with heart conditions who take beta-blockers, which decrease the flow of blood to the skin.
In addition, a cough that begins after a person has begun taking beta-blockers is likely to be cough-variant asthma.
A good example of this would be when you start to take beta-blockers.
Some people feel tired when they take beta-blockers.
High blood pressure, nothing serious, but all the same ... Of course, there were pills he could take, beta-blockers.
Calcium channel blockers, which may be used to treat angina if you can't take beta-blockers.
Most people will take beta-blockers for a long time after a heart attack and maybe for the rest of their lives.
You may not be able to take beta-blockers if you have very low blood pressure or a low heart rate.
You may have to stop taking beta-blockers if your condition gets worse or if side effects develop and continue.
Do not suddenly stop taking beta-blockers without first talking with your doctor.