First, they took control of the Treviso provincial section by defeating the old guard during a vibrant congress.
He took a big step on Tuesday by defeating four other candidates in a Republican primary.
In the winter sports season, the boys' hockey team took home its first state championship by defeating Fond du Lac.
Clarkson took third place in the tournament by defeating Colgate, 10-5.
He is someone whose career will either take a tremendous step forward by defeating Jones, a legend in the sport, or go tumbling backward with a loss.
Hoysalas took charge of this territory by defeating the Pandyas in the 12th century.
The Red Storm took some of the edge off the controversy last night by defeating West Virginia, 89-74.
He took the prize money by defeating his familiar opponent Telegraph, to whom he was conceding seven pounds.
The women took bronze by defeating France 60-47 after a disappointing loss in the semi-finals to the Netherlands.
Some year later Cremona took its vengeance by defeating Parma's army.