He almost took us down by trying to impose a style of football here which simply didn't suit the current crop of players.
Japanese game designers, at least, take some initiative by trying to introduce music to a broader audience.
"Captains Courageous" takes the higher creative road by trying to find a new form for a beloved movie.
But Giambi never took the bait by trying to slap a single to left.
Don't take chances by trying to hold him for ransom.
Universal is taking a leaf out of Disney's book by trying to put writers under exclusive contract.
"Early on we seemed to take ourselves out of a rhythm by trying to run with the ball before we caught it," Smith said.
For people who find that spontaneity comes hard, it often helps to take the risk of feeling silly by trying to be more playful.
Now Pocatello is taking preservation one step further, by trying to protect its vintage signs from change.
You're the last one who's going to take her from me now by trying to turn the tables on me like this.