And yet, who has not heard wide-awake sorts bemoan their inability to take refreshing catnaps.
The dog isn't planning to do less dinner-table begging this year, nor is the cat going to try to take fewer catnaps.
People like Dr. Krakow can function for long hours by taking catnaps.
Several improvisers went off to take catnaps.
"If a striker doesn't learn to take catnaps," the sergeant said, "he doesn't sleep."
But according to the Edison National Historic Site, he took frequent catnaps.
She has difficulty sleeping all night and often takes catnaps during the day.
I didn't get much sleep at night during the races, but made up for it by taking catnaps when I got home from work.
We had guys sleeping in their offices, shoveling, taking catnaps and then shoveling again.
One was a sleeping compartment to allow them to take short catnaps in shifts.