Still, a critical step was the state of New York's decision to take responsibility for the debt and control of the competition sites.
Legend has it that 3,000 years ago, two gods took their fight for control of the Japanese islands to the sumo ring.
She took a breath for control, reevaluated the eerily beautiful face.
Furthermore, elderly people frequently take multiple medications for control of various diseases and conditions.
She follows father's taking the medicine for temporary control over her strong power, but a half blood of Earth people makes her often fall suddenly asleep.
Bruising, hardball maneuvering took place over the rules for the debate and control of the House floor, a cherished prerogative of the majority party.
The captain himself always took this hazardous duty, for control of the wings was essential to the ship's safety.
During World War II, four battles took place for control of the city:
A fierce fight took place for control of Gertsovka.
Frequent skirmishes between them took place for control of colonial possessions.