For me as a comic, it's time to take potshots at the Mayor in a very friendly, preaching-to-the-converted kind of way.
The notion that support for democracy might mean taking sides in a kind of class war will seem absurd to most people today.
Generally the poor were able, for a small fee, to take part in a kind of mass prophecy.
You're having a parent-child experience take place in a kind of amusement park.
Socializing took place in a kind of huge, multileveled tree house.
So conversations at the retreat take place in a kind of code.
Further mutations might take place in a kind of arms race between the two organisms.
Now I took advantage of their hush to send my voice across their heads in a kind of roar.
My past relationships had all taken place in a kind of extended apartment.
The action of the play, especially the scenes outside the castle, take place in a kind of logical fog.