He had been particularly taken aback by one girl who took issue with the presence of a motorcycle gang in the book.
King Seonjo (1567-1608) took a personal interest in the book, and ordered his court to study the book.
The story, which took place in the 1960s and 1970s in the book, was rewritten to be contemporary.
The actual conversation does not take place in the book.
The events take place in 1957-1963 in the screenplay instead of 1994-2000, as in the book.
This spurred the war that took place in the final book, Monsters of Men.
The shield bosses are taken, in the book, to represent 3 levels of hierarchy in the small army.
How does Al Joad's coming of age take place in the book?
The source information was taken from the Chronology section in the book.