And so I took courses at the University of Pittsburgh in creative writing, studied languages, philosophy, economics.
After that, he will take classes in creative writing, he said, and maybe write detective novels, like his sister-in-law.
He attended movies and concerts and took a course in creative writing.
And the novelist Chinua Achebe declares that the book "will take a front seat in contemporary American writing."
Later he took courses in journalism and creative writing.
My contribution includes the story of a student from an Eastern liberal arts college whom, for cause, I advised against taking my course in creative writing.
The library space works also as a place where people can take courses in reading and writing, which are one of the main objectives of the project.
He took courses in advertising and writing and in 1930 entered the publishing business.
After being persuaded, Paterson took an adult education course in creative writing during which her first novel was published.
But they will have to take and pass the competency test in reading and writing, which is simpler than the Regents.