For many years he took his trio into schools presenting interactive events to introduce children to jazz.
The organization's work has taken jazz into schools in its arts and education programs and provided numerous concerts.
We hold free story telling sessions for children on Saturdays and take authors into local schools to introduce them to the power of stories.
The academics are working with a marketing company on ways of targeting men and have started taking survey forms into schools.
The group also takes theater programs into local schools.
The Missouri measure would forbid guns to be taken into government buildings, schools, polling places and churches.
By taking the college, through its tutors, into schools, academic insights were offered informally to school staff.
Quite early in his career he began taking small bands into schools.
All the opera companies do educational work, taking opera into schools and working with children to create music-theater pieces.
The school system has long prohibited students from taking cellphones into schools.