"Starting their own company is only one more risk to take to try and make it big."
Although I'll never understand why it takes some sort of crisis to shake a family up and make them pay attention to each other.
It takes a bit of time to understand and make the changes, especially for the younger players.
You just take it easy while I make us some cocoa-how's that sound?
"We've been trying to take some steps to get rid of unnecessary red tape and make things easier for small businesses."
It'll probably take me weeks just to go through your logs and make sure Everand didn't have any help on board.
Funny: I've moved four times and it takes months to find your slot and make friends.
"We don't have the staff to spend the hours it takes to analyze Web sites and make recommendations," he said.
Or when he is taking too long to finish a speech or make a decision.
Lizzie will do whatever it takes to keep Jonathan and make him fall in love with her.